Child Trauma and Abuse; A Quick Study & Resources

Few of us understand the lifelong impact trauma has on a child and fewer still the depth and scope of generational child abuse in America today. This KARA page provides basic information and the critical elements that you & your friends and neighbors need to know for trauma & abuse to be reduced in your own community. Share it widely.

All Adults Are the Protectors of All Children

Send us your favorite resources (we will post those that fit)


Child Trauma and Torture Reporting for July 2018 (part 5)

KARA (Kids At Risk Action) tracks current news about at risk children bringing transparency and attention to our youngest and most vulnerable citizens.

This reporting is only sampling of what should be reported – the great majority of child trauma & abuse is never known.

37% of children overall and 54% of Black children are reported to child protection services in America by the time they turn 18.

(American Journal of Public Health 1.17)


Child Welfare Survey Responses (thank you Safe Passage for Children of MN)

This important survey of Minnesota’s candidates for Governor shed’s light on what’s in store for children after the election.

Notice that only one of these candidates did not respond to the Safe Passage Survey. This same candidate (and Governor) years ago told KARA board member David Strand and State Legislator Andy Dawkins that “Children that are the victims of failed personal responsibility are not my problem, nor are they the problem of the State of Minnesota”.

Read the Governor Candidates Responses Here

Share this widely to insure children get a voice in the next election.


Child Sex Abuse for July 2018 (part 4)

37% of children overall and 54% of Black children are reported to child protection services in America by the time they turn 18.

(American Journal of Public Health 1.17)

6 to 12 million children a year are reported to child protection services and in many states,

About 1/3 of foster children are required to take psychotropic medicines



July 2018 Child Abuse / Child Protection (part 3)

KARA (Kids At Risk Action) tracks current news about at risk children bringing transparency and attention to our youngest and most vulnerable citizens.

This reporting is only sampling of what should be reported – the great majority of child trauma & abuse is never known.

37% of children overall and 54% of Black children are reported to child protection services in America by the time they turn 18.

(American Journal of Public Health 1.17)


National Center For Youth Law (highlights)

August 1, 2018

In an historic ruling, United States District Judge Nanette K. Laughrey has granted class certification to all Missouri foster children “who presently are, or in the future will be, prescribed or administered one or more psychotropic medications while in state care.” The ruling in M.B. …


Infant & Child Death July 2018 (part 2)

KARA (Kids At Risk Action) tracks current news about at risk children bringing transparency and attention to our youngest and most vulnerable citizens.
This reporting is only sampling of what should be reported – the great majority of child trauma & abuse is never known.
37% of children overall and 54% of Black children are reported to child protection services in America by the time they turn 18.
(American Journal of Public Health 1.17)
