American Indian sculptorWhen I wrote the book INVISIBLE CHILDREN a few years ago, I interviewed teachers to get their insights into working with difficult children under the No Child Left Behind act.  One of the saddest interviews I’ve ever conducted was of an art teacher (Marge) I sat next to (by chance) at a Mayday parade in Minneapolis.  She told me why she quit and she cried while she talked.

Marge talked about how her workmate teachers taught the all important measurable skills (language, history, math, & science) where testing and assessments drive those teachers to exit the business.  Their gripe she believed was twofold; 1) learning for children was now only a tiny part of the data collection system that had become education.  2)The lack of IEP funding which would allow special needs kids to get the help they need, forced these children into crowded classrooms where teachers would find themselves spending 90% of their time managing dangerous behaviors of a very few needy and troubled children.

When Marge got to the part about what it was like to run an art class of 45 children, of which half or more were special needs kids (many on psychotropic medications) she started to cry.  Her story was that she adored children, loved art, and had hoped to bring learning, beauty, and sensitivity into her community through her teaching.

She found that the administrators filled her classroom with troubled children because this classroom had no need for the No Child Left Behind assessments.  All her time was spent managing very troubled children that could not cope with life.  This was not her skill or passion.  She could not take it any more and she quit.  The letter (from the Washington Post below is the resignation letter of another educator who quit.  It tells the story much more eloquently than I can is valuable for it’s critical insights into our education system.

Sign KARA’s Petition to make health, education, and well being available to all of America’s children

By  Susan Sluyter

When I first began teaching more than 25 years ago, hands-on exploration, investigation, joy and love of learning characterized the early childhood classroom.  I’d describe our current period as a time of testing, data collection, competition and punishment. One would be hard put these days to find joy present in classrooms.

I think it started with No Child Left Behind years ago.  Over the years I’ve seen this climate of data fascination seep into our schools and slowly change the ability for educators to teach creatively and respond to children’s social and emotional needs.  But this was happening in the upper grades mostly.  Then it came to kindergarten and PreK, beginning a number of years ago with a literacy initiative that would have had us spending the better part of each day teaching literacy skills through various prescribed techniques.  ”What about math, science, creative expression and play?” we asked.  The kindergarten teachers fought back and kept this push for an overload of literacy instruction at bay for a number of years.

Next came additional mandated assessments.  Four and five year olds are screened regularly each year for glaring gaps in their development that would warrant a closer look and securing additional supports (such as O.T, P.T, and Speech Therapy) quickly.   Teachers were already assessing each child three times a year to understand their individual literacy development and growth.  A few years ago, we were instructed to add periodic math assessments after each unit of study in math.  Then last year we were told to include an additional math assessment on all Kindergarten students (which takes teachers out of the classroom with individual child testing, and intrudes on classroom teaching time.)

We were told we needed to have “Learning Objectives” for the children – posted in the classroom – for each math lesson.  One list of objectives might read, “I can add two rolls of the dice together and find the sum.  I can move my bear forward the correct number of spaces.  I can split my number up to share hops between two bears.”  Teachers are to write these objectives out, post them for children to see, and read them to the class as expectations for what they should be able to do.  Many of the Kindergarten and PreK children are unable to read those goals, and are not able to understand them as goals anyway.  This task is supposed to enhance learning.  I experience it as enhancing pressure on children.  The message is, “You are supposed to know how to do this, even if you can’t.”

We are now expected to build in more math instruction time each day, with “math blocks” to mirror our “literacy blocks.”  This is kindergarten and PreK.  These are 4, 5 and 6 year olds.  Children this age do not learn well though blocks of single subject academics.  We help them learn best when play is integrated with academics and theme-driven projects extend over time, weaving academics throughout.

Simultaneously, the literacy goals and objectives were changing as well.  We found ourselves in professional development work being challenged to teach kindergartners to form persuasive arguments, and to find evidence in story texts to justify or back up a response they had to a story.  What about teaching children to write and read through the joy of experiencing a story together, or writing about their lives and what is most important to them?  When adults muck about too much in the process of learning to read and write, adding additional challenge and pressure too soon, many children begin to feel incompetent and frustrated.  They don’t understand. They feel stupid.  Joy disappears.

There is a national push, related to the push for increased academics in Early Childhood classrooms, to cut play out of the kindergarten classroom.  Many kindergartens across the country no longer have sand tables, block areas, drama areas and arts and crafts centers.  This is a deeply ill-informed movement, as all early childhood experts continuously report that 4, 5 and 6 year olds learn largely through play.  Play is essential to healthy development and deep foundational learning at the kindergarten level.  We kindergarten teachers in Cambridge have found ourselves fighting to keep play alive in the kindergarten classroom.

Last year we heard that all kindergarten teachers across the state of Massachusetts were to adopt one of a couple of in-depth comprehensive assessments to perform with each kindergarten child three times a year.  This requires much training and an enormous amount of a teacher’s time to carry out for each child.  Cambridge adopted the Work Sampling System, which is arguably a fine tool for assessment, but it requires a teacher to leave the classroom and focus on assessment even more, and is in addition to other assessments already being done.  The negative impact of this extensive and detailed assessment system is that teachers are forced to learn yet another new and complicated tool, and are required to spend significantly less time in the classroom during the three assessment periods, as they assess, document evidence to back up their observations, and report on each child.  And it distracts teachers yet again from their teaching focus, fracturing their concentration on teaching goals, projects, units of study, and the flow of their classroom curriculum.

Then we became an “RTI School.”  RTI is a method of academic intervention used to provide early, systematic assistance to children who are having difficulty learning.  It seeks to prevent academic failure through early intervention, frequent assessment, and increasingly intensive instructional interventions for children who continue to have difficulty.  This sounds good, but it also takes teachers out of the classroom more for assessment and intervention (which can sometimes be done in the context of the classroom, but sometimes not.)  Again, teachers are being called on to divert their attention to another way of looking at and assessing the needs of their children, yet actually preventing teachers from having the necessary time to build relationships, get to know their children and work to build community, safety and structures that allow a teacher to meet the learning and emotional needs of each child in their classroom.

Last year all teachers were required to participate in a statewide Teacher Assessment system that seeks to have each teacher document the evidence that they are performing according to teaching standards laid out by the state.  We were given minimal training on how to maneuver within and negotiate through the new software, and were directed to develop SMART Goals for ourselves.  We needed to start documenting our success in moving toward and accomplishing our goals.  To document our success, we are required to upload many photos providing “evidence” that we are qualified and effective teachers.

Now, I believe there needs to be a system of accountability for teachers and administrators, but I have seen no evidence that this method (though it takes an enormous amount of teachers’ time to fulfill the requirements) would actually show anything about the quality of a teacher’s work within the classroom and with the children.  I remember one Sunday evening when I received an email from the principal of my school letting me know that I was missing one particular document from my assessment site.  The missing document was a photo of a math assessment recording sheet that I had somehow failed to post.  If I could post it by 9 a.m. the following morning, I would recieve “exemplary teacher” status.  If I did not, I would get a label of “needs improvement.”  I remember at that moment thinking, “Seriously?  It has come down to this sort of nonsense?”

Also, last year, all teachers in the state of Massachusetts were informed that over the next few years, everyone would need to take a 45-hour training in English Language Learner education strategies.  It is called the Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) Training and is coupled with the RETELL Training.  It is being mandated by the Justice Department and the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.  I was in the first mandated training group in Cambridge last spring.  We were required to meet starting 15 minutes directly after school ended every Thursday for 3 hours from February to June.

Our instructor delivered a three-hour Power Point presentation in each class.  If we were late we were docked points for each 5 minutes.  Additionally, there were weekend online courses we had to take, including readings and course work that sometimes took five to seven hours.  At the end of the course, we were required to hand in four capstone projects and to pass the course.  License renewal is now contingent on having this SEI Endorsement.  Since this course was requiring so much time outside of our jobs, we petitioned to use some of our paid work time to complete some of the requirements.  This, of course, took us away from our work with the children in the classroom, so it was not an easy thing to ask for.  We were given no compensation for the amount of time spent in this course.  Many teachers continue to undergo this training – which is so poorly put together that most teachers I know feel it is almost a complete waste of time, though the subject matter is important.

Kindergarten teachers have, this year, just found out that they will be required to administer a Kindergarten Entrance Assessment to each new incoming kindergarten student two times a year.  This is another extremely time-consuming assessment, and is in addition to the other assessment tools previously mentioned. Teachers will need to perform this assessment at the very beginning of each year, and then again mid-year.  This is for the purpose of early identification of learning issues that might be addressed immediately in kindergarten.  It will require another substantial amount of a teacher’s time and focus to learn how to use the tool, and to actually administer it.

This school year, the Cambridge Public Schools Math Department announced that the math curriculum that had been used for years, with extensive training and professional development for teachers, is being replaced by a new math curriculum that is being toted as “more aligned with the Common Core.”  This new math curriculum, called Singapore Math, is being brought into the system now, and the old TERC Investigations curriculum is being discarded.  This is at a huge expense, and will require many hours of additional teacher time for training. Singapore Math is widely contested, with many having doubts about whether it is an improvement over the TERC curriculum.  As with Common Core, there is little clear evidence of its worth and quality, and seems like another shot-in-the-dark effort to improve education.  Who is making a lot of money from all these product sales?  That is an important question.

All the above-mentioned initiatives and mandates have had the obvious effect of removing teachers from their classrooms for significant amounts of time and fracturing their concentration and ability to teach.  There were many days last year when I felt I had hardly spent any time in the classroom.  It was my assistant teacher with whom the children were more familiar.  She was more in the role of classroom teacher.  I was more in the role of data collector.

The negative impact of all of this on a classroom of young children (or children of any age) is substantial, and obvious to many classroom teachers.  Teachers everywhere are seeing an increase in behavior problems that make classrooms and schools feel less safe, and learning less able to take place.  Children are screaming out for help.  They are under too much pressure and it is just no longer possible to meet the social and emotional needs of our youngest children.  They are suffering because of this.

I have needed to schedule more SST (Student Support Team) meetings, to get help and support in addressing extreme behaviors in my 4, 5 and 6 year olds.  Behaviors I frequently witnessed included tantrums, screaming obscenities, throwing objects, flailing, self-injury, and sadness and listlessness.  Many of these behaviors, I believe, are at least in part due to the inappropriate and ill-informed pressures and expectations on our young children in our schools.

The overall effect of these federal and state sponsored programs is the corrosion of teacher moral, the demeaning of teacher authority, a move away from collaborating with teachers, and the creation of an overwhelming and developmentally inappropriate burden imposed on our children.


Here is the resignation letter she wrote and sent last month:

February 12, 2014

I am writing today to let you know that I am resigning my position as PreK and Kindergarten teacher in the Cambridge Public Schools.  It is with deep sadness that I have reached this decision, as I have loved my job, my school community, and the families and amazing and dedicated faculty I have been connected with throughout the district for the past eighteen years.  I have always seen myself as a public school teacher, and fully intended to work until retirement in the public school system.  Further, I am the product of public schools, and my son attended Cambridge Public Schools from PreK through Grade 12.  I am and always have been a firm believer in quality public education.

In this disturbing era of testing and data collection in the public schools, I have seen my career transformed into a job that no longer fits my understanding of how children learn and what a teacher ought to do in the classroom to build a healthy, safe, developmentally appropriate environment for learning for each of our children.  I have experienced, over the past few years, the same mandates that all teachers in the district have experienced.   I have watched as my job requirements swung away from a focus on the children, their individual learning styles, emotional needs, and their individual families, interests and strengths to a focus on testing, assessing, and scoring young children, thereby ramping up the academic demands and pressures on them.  Each year, I have been required to spend more time attending classes and workshops to learn about new academic demands that smack of 1st and 2nd grade, instead of Kindergarten and PreK.  I have needed to schedule and attend more and more meetings about increasingly extreme behaviors and emotional needs of children in my classroom; I recognize many of these behaviors as children shouting out to the adults in their world, “I can’t do this!  Look at me!  Know me!  Help me!  See me!”  I have changed my practice over the years to allow the necessary time and focus for all the demands coming down from above.  Each year there are more.  Each year I have had less and less time to teach the children I love in the way I know best—and in the way child development experts recommend.  I reached the place last year where I began to feel I was part of a broken system that was causing damage to those very children I was there to serve.

I was trying to survive in a community of colleagues who were struggling to do the same:  to adapt and survive, to continue to hold onto what we could, and to affirm what we believe to be quality teaching for an early childhood classroom.  I began to feel a deep sense of loss of integrity.  I felt my spirit, my passion as a teacher, slip away.  I felt anger rise inside me.  I felt I needed to survive by looking elsewhere and leaving the community I love so dearly.  I did not feel I was leaving my job.  I felt then and feel now that my job left me.

It is with deep love and a broken heart that I write this letter.



Suzi Sluyter


Also on The Answer Sheet

Things teachers learn in their first year


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This is my 27th year of teaching kindergarten and I totally agree. I think you should be an advocate for kindergarten students everywhere and start a movement to change our kindergarten classes back to kindergarten instead of first grade. We started giving letter grades in our kindergarten last year and I think that is horrible. People who are making decisions for our children are obviously not qualified in early childhood education or they would know that this is not appropriate. Now we are getting Pre-K classes and I’m afraid that they will just do the same to them. These are not mini-adults!
Crescent moon
As a teacher in the same district from which Ms. Sluyter resigned from, I feel I must clarify that her implication that pre-k and K children are assessed by filling in bubbles on standardized tests is inaccurate. Pre-K children are not assessed until the end of the year with a letter ID and letter sound assessment. K children are given the same assessments twice a year, and again in the spring if there is concern about a child’s progress. These assessments are used in order to help teachers understand what knowledge they are coming to school with and to plan for individual students’ needs. Many teachers find these assessments helpful in getting to know their students better.
I would like to post that it is not just the students who are suffering. I do not even know where to begin my letter that I am writing this week of the very same situation, however, from the teacher side- of what they are making teachers go through to keep their jobs. People casually love to say that “well, it’s good that teachers are being held accountable” by being put through tests to keep their jobs- but what people don’t understand is that we are fighting a quantitative monster that has NOTHING to do with what skills are needed to be a good teacher. Teachers in the MA elementary system HAVE to pass Algebra II with a 90% in order to be licensed. I have only known one child in my ten years of teaching, who was close to being capable of doing Algebra II as an elementary student, and we put him with a specialist. Knowing Algebra II at a 90% score passing grade in order to teach second and third grade, I think is extreme, the state is ONLY looking at the quantitative evaluation for licensing and seems to be disinterested in anything qualitative. I am not alone in how hard I have had to fight to make a living, and I am glad that this woman posted this, because it is the same EXTREME that the teachers are going through, and it is pushing me, a well loved, talented and experienced teacher, who holds two Masters degrees and who loves children- out of work. I have had to fight so hard, it really makes a person want to give up, and that person who likened this struggle to Ancient Egypt workers building pyramids, yes, that IS how it feels. It is so far beyond just making sure teachers can teach, it is to the extreme.
Politicizing in the classroom. I’ve heard too many of these stories. Same way they are brainwashing with the tests. In the 70’s & 80″s they were giving “citizenship” tests–Parents thought the tests were on George Washington, the Bill of Rights, Three Branches of Government, etc. NO. “We’re not testing objective knowledge. We are testing and scoring for the child’s threshold for >behavior change without protest<.”
Today, even the teachers don’t know what’s on some of these tests. Political “opinions” are presented as factual answers and if the student doesn’t give the “proper” answer/response, he can’t proceed to the next question.
If student’s programed knowledge is found to be deficient or he resists, he gets to go back to the computer for some “remedial learning”. Then he tests again, to demonstrate whether or not his “attitude” has changed. They are asking questions on the tests that they have no business asking.
Dear Ms. Sluyter,
Thank you for sharing your resignation letter. I wish every parent–and more importantly, every well-meaning, but misguided politician in this country–could read it and understand how toxic the past decade’s education policy initiatives have been to our children and our schools. I know it has always been popular to curry votes by being “strong on education.” But the truth of the matter is that while we’ve raised expectation for our students and teachers, politicians have NEVER fully funded the programs meant to help students and teachers meet those raised expectations. [It’s been a little like Pharaoh telling his Israelite slaves to double the amount of bricks they made while not giving them any more straw.] I just resigned after 8 years of teaching science in Texas for pretty much the exact same reasons you resigned: I realized I was no longer teaching students the value of scientific exploration and the broader value of being able to think logically and critically about problems, I was merely expected to ready them to pass the Texas STAAR Biology test. Like you, I found I was spending more time preparing, assessing and collecting data — including logging RTI (Response to Intervention) data for struggling students, than I was actually teaching them anything about how scientists think, work and discover new and amazing things about the world. Like you, I realized that if this is what teaching had devolved into, I no longer could do the job. I consider myself on a teaching sabbatical right now and I hope to return to the classroom next fall. I still love the profession and enjoy “lighting the inner fires” of life-long learning in my students. My resume includes a variety of certifications and two nominations for teacher of the year. As a product of a public school, I’d prefer to finish my career in a public school, but I’m afraid the only place I could truly teach now is in a private school.
Sasha Kwapinski
Reading experiences like this, I am reminded of why I “packed up” and walked out three days before the end of my student teaching, and decided that elementary education was not for me. Sounds like one of the wiser decisions I’ve made in life.
Having seen the public school in action, my wife decided not to send our three-year-old to 4K. Learning on his own he is mastering math, reading, and a variety of basic skills. The public schools like all bureaucracies are working toward standardizing all children — creating a bed of Procrustes into which teachers are expected to insert their charges.With the Federal Government adding to the weight of accreditation organizations, credential-issuing organizations, licensing organizations, state departments of education, county and district administrative bodies, and school boards, it is surprising that anyone at the bottom of the heap can breath. Teachers, of course, are expected to do their part in suffocating the children.Overall, the system of factory education has never had much to recommend it. We learn a vast quantity of useless information as we are trained like Pavlov’s dogs to act on cue when the bell rings. This obedience training may be useful to a totalitarian state, but it is most assuredly not useful to its victims.Having taught in South Korea, I can’t help but observe that we are imitating our Asian friends in building a system, not for educating, but for testing. The result, in my experience, will be people who learn to test well but have no love for learning and little or no lasting knowledge. Testing is attractive to bureaucracies because it produces data, not because it produces students who are bright, creative, or curious.

After all, bright, creative, curious people are anathema to the well-ordered totalitarian state.
BTW: I’m a public school teacher and it really frightens me to send my kids to public schools due to the current testing mandates. I hate to admit this, but it’s true.
Testing companies and for profit companies have taken over so much of public education that true teachers and innovators in the classroom can’t teach anymore and ended up leaving the profession. Until teacher’s voices are heard a lot of great teachers will leave the profession and kids will continue filling in bubbles. This is what happens when the public loses it’s trust in our most vital institution, public education and unions are broken up and teachers expertise is no longer valued or heard.
too many chiefs, too few of the others (dare i even use the words squaws, indians or other and be castigated by the admins!). the reduction of personality and iq to an SQL based data file has definitely not improved our education system, rather it has dehumanized the very social development of the next few generations of bobble headed children trying to become something these absolutist, bean counting administrators use for their own ‘career boosts’. i often use the terms ‘reduction to numbers’ as it is evident even this seasoned educator (Suzi Sluyter) has come to know the rigidity and un flexibility shown by them. just as corporate goals seeking absolute profit gains, they too show critical failure of understanding of actual human adaptation and natural social needs. bottom line attitudes toward lower grade education is a severe mistake, we will suffer long after this is resolved.
This story is heartbreaking to read. To have a passionate veteran teacher quit is one of the worst possible things for a society. A lot of people who have never taught cannot see what goes into teaching. When you watch a great teacher, there is so much behind what they do that makes their moves seamless and invisible to the observer who has never taught before. Another sad part of the loss is the building of a great repertoire the veteran teacher has had to develop over years and place correctly in the curriculum, so that it really makes sense and causes maximum engagement because of the realization of the connections, after most likely partial or full failures due to inexperience as a new teacher . Not only is there the main lesson repertoire but also the backups to the lessons in case something doesn’t work for all students, as well as appropriate practice that sustains critical thinking, and not just dull worksheets to keep them busy.Although I enjoy reading all comments, which I think are important, people who post negative comments about this teacher should post how much teaching experience they have. This is a really important factor in gaging whether your post is based more on opinion or actual experience.
No child left behind in the race to the top of the common core. Way to go, educrats!
What’s with the Justice Dept. being involved anything that has to do with teaching? Are they going to start locking up teachers for missing deadlines or something. On a serious note, this a sad day for us all when a kindergarten teacher has to resign for the reasons outlined in this article. She was a wonderful teacher who gave so much of herself for so many years to so many children. Now we’ve come to this…smhFresh minds need room to grow and learn. They are not even able to sit still for long periods much less have all those different instructions put upon them. Heck, I had to think twice about some of those objectives posted so what the hell do they think 4, 5, and 6 years olds are gonna think…smh
Nobody cares really.She will be replaced by a recent grad looking to save the world at half the salary of this lady.
3/30/2014 6:06 PM CDT
“Nobody cares…” – Ans. – Yes, some of us do.
“She will be replaced…” – Ans. – Yes, and she should be coached accordingly, she is giving up a job, profession and pay checks…needlessly. Review the comments below.
3/30/2014 6:27 PM CDT
Lots of people really do care, Jack. You can speak for yourself, but not for the rest of us who are advocating for the youth and the future of this country.
 Spock’s Beard
This is a culmination of years of efforts by generally incompetent administrators, to justify the six-figure incomes provided by their jobs. After all, they were taught in COLLEGE that this is the way things should be–never mind anything resembling “real life”, since that’s irrelevant. Just get enough of them in positions to wind around each other, providing more “justification” for over-pay (while many actual teachers struggle, especially in smaller cities), and you can see what we now have. Benefits to children? Way down the list of priorities, just keep those paychecks and promises of lucrative retirement coming! — and again, this applies much more to the titled administrators, than everyone else put together.