I found this reference to Project Unbreakable today at the Boing Boing website.

It is a powerful statement on the lasting impact of child sexual abuse;

“Grace Brown created “Project Unbreakable” in October, 2011, and the tumblog appears to really be gathering momentum. The idea: “Use photography to help heal those who were sexually abused by asking them to write a quote from their attacker on a poster and photographing them holding the poster.”

So many stories from so many different people. Men, too, not only women. I was so moved by this post, which includes both a photograph and an audio narrative by an elderly woman who was sexually abused as a 12-year-old girl during World War II in Germany. Do listen to her story.

“You can never forget it. It is in your brain, marked like a stamp,” she says. “I still suffer from it.”

(via Jay Rosen)”

Thank you Boing Boing

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